Original Post by Michelle / May 11, 2010
Now that I’m done working at the cab company, my husband and I have been fulfilling familial obligations and taking a fair share of road trips. And although we love to see our family members at the end of these journeys, one of the best parts about spending three hours in a car is that my husband and I just talk without the usual interruptions of our life.
We talk about the things we need to do to the house (new shingles on the roof, finishing our raised garden bed, trying to rid our neighborhood of ruffians), we talk about things we want to do someday (the list of trips that we imagine going on are endless) and we talk a lot about money – what we have, what we need to save, what we aspire to do in the future with our funds.
What If We Could Live on One of Our Salaries? And Save the Entirety of a Second Salary?
This weekend, I threw this idea out there – what if we could live on one of our salaries and socked the other person’s paycheck away into savings?
During our road trip from the past weekend, I talked to two different people who managed to do this in their daily lives and it was like an epiphany to me – especially with my credit card debt out of the way – even if we couldn’t totally live off of my salary or my husband’s salary, I think that I could live off of one of my paychecks a month and we could sock the rest into savings.
I need about $300 to pay toward my college debt per month, money for groceries and other household necessities and gas to feed my Tank, but other than that? We could totally be stockpiling our savings.
Is there anyone else out there who does this? How do you make it work?